Evaluation of the knowledge, attitude and practice among women attending family planning at Bwera general Hospital.


Mbambu, M. Jannet

Family planning is the practice of controlling the number of children and the intervals between births by use of contraceptives or voluntary sterilization. There are two types of family planning which include natural and artificial. Natural family planning services include the calendar method, abstinence; withdraw method, breastfeeding, moon bead method, artificial family planning methods include the use of hormones, counseling and education, preconception care screening, laboratory tests, and intrauterine devices. The objective of the study is to assess the knowledge of women and establish practices of women attending family planning clinic at Bwera general Hospital. Data entry, coding and analysis were performed using micro soft Excels version s software package. To explain the study population in relation to relevant variables, frequency, percentages and summary statistics will be used. Associations between dependent and independent variables were assessed and presented using tables, graphs and pie charts. Majority of the respondents were in the age bracket of 36-45(57%) and 27-35 (11%) were the least age bracket. Classification according to level of education, most of the respondents stopped at secondary level 20(45%) and least attended level of education was tertiary institution 0(0%). For occupation, majority of the respondents were civil servants 20(45%) and the least respondents 4(9%) were those who belonged to other professions.  The results show that most of the respondents were Bakonzo 28(64%) and the least respondents by tribe 3(7%) were those who belonged to others 3(7%) who included the bakiga, Basongora and Banyabindi. Then according to marital status, majority of the respondents were married 35(80%) and the least respondents were those who were widowed. Most of the respondents were from protestant religion 25(57%) and least were from catholic religion 1 (2%). When interviewed, majority of the respondents used injectables 20(45%) and least used family planning method by respondents was tub ligation 0(0%). In conclusion, knowledge of modern contraceptive is high in a study population. Substantial proportion of women had positive attitude towards modern contraceptives and hence more room for increasing modern contraceptive use in population.
Keywords: Family planning, contraceptives, injectables, hormones.





Mbambu, M. Jannet (2023). Evaluation of the knowledge, attitude and practice among women attending family planning at Bwera general Hospital. INOSR Experimental Sciences 11(1):1-16.