Incidence of Intestinal Helminths among HIV Patients at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital, Uganda.


Shabohurira Ambrose

The study titled Incidence of intestinal helminths among HIV patients was aimed at
determining the prevalence of intestinal helminthes among HIV patients attending Kampala
International University Teaching Hospital (KIU-TH). 96 HIV positive patients participated in
the study. Data collection involved use of pre tested questionnaire and examination of stool
samples collected. Samples were examined by wet preparation technique, iodine and formal
ether concentration technique. Data obtained was analyzed and illustrated using Microsoft
excel. Out of 96 HIV patients that participated in the study 13 (14%) were positive for
intestinal helminthes. The most common pathogen found was Ascaris lumbricoides with
(6)6%, Trichuris trichiura with (2)2%, Strongloides stercolaris (3)3%, Hook worm (1)1%, Giadia
lamblia (2)2%. Female participants were more than males, out of 49 female participants, 8 (8
%) were positive for intestinal helminths and of the 47 males 5 (5%) were positive. The high
prevalence in 30-35 (4%) and 36- 40 (3%) age groups respectively. This could be due to the
highest number of those who had never been dewormed in that age group and their big
number increased the chances positivity. Routine deworming which is supposed to done
every 3 months to all HIV patients, boiling of water for drinking, washing fruits vegetables
before serving them, avoid cooking from open places, proper hand washing using soap after
using a toilet and before serving food are some of the recommendations to reduce this
Keywords: HIV, deworming, intestinal helminths, Ascaris lumbricoides





Shabohurira Ambrose (2023).Incidence of Intestinal Helminths among HIV Patients at Kampala
International University Teaching Hospital, Uganda. INOSR Experimental Sciences 11(1):87-98.