The Influence of Human Activity and Environmental Factors on Gully Erosion

Arikpo Jacintha Jackie

Department of Education Kampala International University Uganda


Gully erosion, far from confined to specific terrains like badlands or mountainous areas, stands as a global issue contributing significantly to land degradation across various soil types susceptible to crusting or piping. Even after initial triggers cease, formed gullies can persistently generate sediment. This study delves into the multifaceted influences of geology, climate, slope morphology, vegetation, human impact, and soil properties on gully development and broader soil erosion. Drawing from empirical examples globally and locally, it underscores the pivotal role of local soil characteristics in propagating erosion, particularly the gully variant. Anthropogenic factors, especially land use practices and their impact on vegetation, weigh heavily. Rampant deforestation coupled with insufficient re-vegetation or afforestation initiatives have exacerbated the looming erosion threats, contributing to catastrophic consequences. Despite the effectiveness of various strategies in preventing and addressing gully erosion, their sustained implementation on a large scale remains elusive. Thus, research priorities must encompass sub-surface flow erosion mechanisms, predictive models, and the intricate dynamics influencing farmers’ adoption or rejection of conservation strategies. To combat soil erosion comprehensively, a holistic approach to soil conservation becomes imperative. This entails employing hydrological or bioenvironmental processes to regulate overland flow and curb excessive runoff. Prioritizing these aspects can inform more robust strategies for soil conservation, mitigating the pervasive impact of erosion on our lands.

Keywords: Influence, Human, Activity, Environmental Factors and Gully Erosion