Addressing Technical and Environmental Obstacles in Livestock Management for Enhanced Drinking Water Quality

Bitikoro Rita D.

Biological Sciences Kampala International University Uganda


Water is a vital nutrient for livestock, constituting 60 to 70 percent of their body composition. It plays a crucial role in maintaining body fluids, ion balance, digestion, nutrient absorption, waste elimination, and temperature regulation. Additionally, water serves as a lubricant and cushion for joints, spinal cord, and tissues, ranking second only to oxygen in essentiality for life. Despite its importance, water can also serve as a vehicle for transmitting pathogenic organisms, posing a significant concern for livestock health. Access to safe water remains a challenge, as the cost is prohibitive for many, leading to reliance on available water sources regardless of their quality. Given the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in freshwater bodies, routine assessment is essential to prevent future disease outbreaks among livestock populations.Top of Form

Keywords: Livestock Management, Drinking Water Quality, Pathogenic Organisms, Freshwater Bodies, Disease Outbreaks